What are the ideal conditions for storing ColdSnap ice cream and frozen treat pods?

Room temperature is ideal.

  • ColdSnap pods are shelf-stable for up to 6 months when stored at room temperature (68°-72° F).  These are the ideal conditions for storing pods and deliver the optimal combination of flavor and freezing time.
  • If you choose to store pods above room temperature, the shelf-life will be reduced, as heat impacts the quality of the product. 
  • If you choose to refrigerate the pods, it will enhance the shelf life, but the pod may freeze more slowly in the machine.
  • We do not recommend letting the pods exceed 90° F at any time.  If ColdSnap pods must reach 90° F (due to shipping/transport in a hot vehicle, for example), it is not recommended for extended periods of time as that will likely impact the quality and taste of the product.